Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Lemannville School

"Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome."-Booker T. Washington 

The Supervisory Program Colored Schools of Ascension Parish Session 1943-1944 titled, "Improved Negro Family Living Among Negroes in Ascension Parish" was developed from a five week conference which focused on five problems in the African American community:

I.    Food Production
II.   Food Conservation, Preparation and Serving Proper Meals
III. School and Community Health
IV. Making, Securing and Using Realistic Teaching Material in Modern Rural Schools
V.  Community Recreation

Ascension Parish Program Procedures
Improvement of Community Living through Education Activities

Timely Tips on Wartime Care and
Maintenance.  Electric Pump
and Water Systems
Birdie Robinson was heavily influenced by the teachings of  Booker T. Washington's Tuskegee Movable School of Agriculture.  He was one of the leading educators of the 20th century and founder of Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. Washington visited Louisiana in April 1915.

The objective of Tuskegee's Movable School was to improve healthcare, teach hygiene and the latest techniques in farm production. Similar to the Tuskegee Movable School, lessons at the Lemannville School were designed to be practical and useful for the rural community.  Students learned carpentry, good hygiene, sewing and domestic services, in addition to, geography, religion, language arts and arithmetic. 

Hand washing lesson

Franklinville Glee Club 
Unknown members

School Books

The books below may were used to teach various lessons at the Lemannville School.

The Grade Teacher
March 1951, F Whitaker, The Mill Pond
The Professional magazine for classroom teachers of all grades

Hayes New Geography of Europe with Outline Maps, Tests, & Drills.
Elevelyn and Orville Rudolph
Published by Hayes School Publishing Co., Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania
ca. 1948

Framing the Declaration of Independence
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company of Boston, MA
Copyright, 1926
Published by John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company

Health & Happiness Mother Goose Rhymes
R. W. Hamilton
University of Kentucky
Published by Bureau of School Service, University of Kentucky as a part of an experiment in applied economics

Bible Thoughts with Questions and Answers
By William Hick, B. A., B.D.
Shreveport, LA.
Nashville, Tenn:National Baptist Publishing Board

George Washington: First President of the United States
John Hancock Life Insurance Company

Nannie H. Burroughs
Lincoln Heights,Washington
Nannie H. Burroughs (1883-1961) was an educator and civil rights activist. Burroughs gained national recognition for her 1900 speech "How the Sisters Are Hindered from Helping," at the National Baptist Convention. Burroughs was also one of the founders of the National Association of Colored Women.
Witnessing for Christ
Ethel Hudson Williams
Nashville, TN
Southern Baptist Convention

Music Notation and Terminology
Karl W. Gehrkens
Revised Laidlaw Brothers

Introduction to Musical Knowledge
Archie N. Jones & Floyd P. Barnard
Schmitt Music Company, Minneapolis


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